Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are You Pushing Yourself Hard Enough?

I want everyone to take a moment to look in the mirror and ask yourself -

How do you feel after the workouts?

Do you hold back during the WOD?

Are you pushing yourself hard enough?

Is this how you look after a workout?

This is a picture of Daniel after a workout where he gave it his all. Way to go Daniel - way to push hard and leave nothing behind. Can you say the same after your workout?

I think you will amaze yourself if you will just give yourself the opportunity to push passed preconceived limitations. Resist the urge to slip into a comfortable pace. Instead kick it into a higher gear and keep going. During your next workout ask yourself, “Am I really pushing myself?” I hope you can answer yes!

1 comment:

  1. I felt pretty bad after Fran yesterday too, but it wasn't near as bad as that day. I'm still haunted by that feeling lol
