Friday, May 28, 2010

who named it snatch?

My quest still continues to discover that mastermind behind naming the lift snatch. Will I ever find out? I don't know, but I won't give up trying. Just as I will continue to work on getting stronger, faster and fitter. There is always room for improvement in all aspects of our lives whether it is personal, professional or physical. Continue to strive hard in life and you will reap the rewards. If I research deep enough, will I find the answer that is alluding me about the snatch? Only time and effort will tell. Until then, enjoy watching these women kick some snatch and clean & jerk butt. It is amazing how fast they are.....oh, to one day lift like them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,

    You might get help on this quest from the folks at It's a community of questioners and answer-givers. Check it out.

