Tuesday, March 30, 2010

who named it snatch?

I have been on a quest to find out who named the olympic lift that we all know and love, or at least have a love hate relationship with. It has been a bit of a process trying to figure it out. I am still on my quest, but would welcome any help/input if you have any information. I did come across this website about Olympic lifting that have some good pictures of the 3rd pull.

What's the "third pull"? It's the point at which you've reached full extension of the hips, knees and ankles with your shoulder behind the bar, and you pull yourself under the bar. This occurs in both the snatch and the clean and jerk. Check out the lack of information regarding who named the lifts, but enjoy the pictures and other fun facts:

And just for fun, check out these two 'strange' sports:


  1. that ladder one looks like so many things could go wrong!

  2. actually I'd like to do the ladder on, looks fun!
